Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Decay

I had a realization today that I had a lot to say. Music, religion, moral decay, social decay, economy, art,etc. Its time I voice it. What I can't seem to get out in mere conversation, I usually write it down and sing it (yell it?) or I just write it with pen and paper. Now I'm going to see how blogging it feels.

I also have a Fanzine called Jab that i will be making post and entrys on in this blog so if you don't live in Texass (Luck Fucks) you can still read the articles inside. Hope you like the zine and if you don't oh while it ain't for you. The zine contains articles mainly of bands around the Dallas metroplex. I hope to venture out to all of Texass soon and even around Texass but right now it'll have to be Dallas. The zine will also contain photos of shows, reviews of bands, special events( that are interesting) and possible pictures of some art exhibits. I have a feeling there is still worth in the Dallas music scene and that there is still something to see and is worth hearing that actually has a message worth listening to. A music worth pursuing, a hate worth fighting against. If I'm wrong this zine will cease to exist. Youth has to be angry with the burden haunting our future in which I see decay. I hope in merely the symbolic analysts that influence my days.

Till next post