Friday, July 31, 2009

Mass Media Nightmare Come Alive!

It seems that live print is just about had its ran. Now that Blender has stopped printing and so has Vibe, this thing we call music journalism seems finished. Finished for all except the underground music lover. Even though social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter are around soaking up all the light, the underground music mag stands in the darkness with a flashlight. Come on we've all been a little lost before. Lost in tha dark. Your bound to bump into something.

These BIG media print Magazine have taken a turn towards oblivion where stands the chance for the underground zine to take form. No more big celebrity rock star gossip. Come sink your teeth into some music discovering fun! Something you don't like? Toss it! But bound with in the text your bound to love something.

Tell Next Time

First Issue coming out in September